On sabbatical spring semester 2025.


Jeffrey K. Christensen

Associate Professor and PMHC Program Co-director

Rogers Hall 329, MSC: 86

Dr. Christensen’s research interests include disaster mental health, counselor burnout, and most recently, helping first responders in disaster relief. He has been deployed to respond to national disasters throughout the country, working with both victims of the disaster, as well as first responders around vicarious traumatization and burnout. Another area of his research is on student evaluation, student remediation, and teaching pedagogies, which he has presented at several national conferences and workshops. He is a licensed professional counselor in Oregon and maintains a small private practice working with clients in areas of racial and sexual traumas, severe anxiety, and wellness. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, and the Western Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, and is proud to serve as the current President of the Oregon Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors and is a Past President of the Oregon Counseling Association.

Areas of Expertise

Disaster Mental Health Counseling, Substance Abuse/Dependence, Suicide, At-Risk Youth, Supervision (Practicum/Internship), Counseling Student Retention Policies/Evaluation, Counselor Burnout, Spirituality, Wellness

Current Research

Counseling Student Evaluation, Student Retention/Remediation Policies, Counselor Burnout, Disaster Mental Health Counseling, Fostering Counselor Wellness, Problem Gambling Treatment


  • Christensen, J. K., McDowell, T., & Kosutic, I. (2022). A critical review of the scholarly discourse on gambling disorder treatment: Part I. Critical Gambling Studies, 3(1), 35-46. https:/doi.org/10.29173/cgs96.

  • Kosutic, I., Christensen, J. K., & McDowell, T. (2022). A critical review of the scholarly discourse on gambling disorder treatment: Part II. Critical Gambling Studies, 3(1), 47-57. https:/doi.org/10.29173/cgs97.

  • Dorn-Medeiros, C. M., Christensen, J. K., Lertora, I. M., & Croffie, A. L. (2020). Relational strategies for teaching multicultural courses in counselor education. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 48, 149-160.
  • McDowell, T., Christensen, J.K., & Kosutic, I. (2020). Core competencies in problem gambling counseling: A modified Delphi Study. Journal of Gambling Issues, 45, 64-90.

  • Christensen, J. K., Henderson, J. D., & Dorn-Medeiros, C. M. (2019). Navigating Toxic Masculinity in Clients as a beginning Therapist. In B. King, & T. Stewart (Eds.), Cases on Cross-Cultural Counseling Strategies (pp. 264-283). Hershey, PA: IGI Global doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-0022-4. 

  • Dorn-Medeiros, C. M., Christensen, J. K., Lertora, I. M. (2019). Mondays with Mac: An interpersonal journey of cultural humility. In B. King, & T. Stewart (Eds.), Cases on Cross-Cultural Counseling Strategies (pp. 284-304). Hershey, PA: IGI Global doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0022-4.

  • Dorn-Medeiros, C, & Christensen, J. K. (2019). Developing a Rubric for Supervision of Students Counseling LGBTQ Clients. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling,13, (1), 28-44.

  • Christensen, J. K., Dickerman, C., & Dorn-Medeiros, C. (2018). Building a Consensus of the Professional Dispositions of Counseling Students. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 11, 1. 

  • Dickerman, C., Christensen, J., Kerl-McClain, S., (2007). Big Breasts and Bad Guys: Depictions of Gender and Race in Video Games. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, Vol 3, 1, 21-29.


  • Christensen, J. K., & Henderson, J. D. (October 2019). Master’s level counseling student remediation: Guidelines and practical strategies for counselor educators. Education session presented at the biannual conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chicago, IL. 
  • Christensen, J. K., & Dorn-Medeiros, C. M., (November 2018). Redefining a culture of evaluation for master’s counseling students: Promoting proactive not reactive response. Education session presented at the biannual Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, California: Santa Rosa.

  • Henderson, J. D., & Christensen, J. K. (November 2018). Disrupting Hate: Integrating Training Clinics with Community Coalitions. Education session presented at the biannual Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, California: Santa Rosa.

  • Christensen, J.K., & Dorn-Medeiros, C.M. (October, 2017). Working with students in the remediation process: Strategies to facilitate professional dispositions. Education sessions presented at the biannual conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chicago, IL.

  • Dorn-Medeiros, C.M., & Christensen, J.K. (October, 2017). Relational pedagogy: Teaching multiculturalism, diversity, and social justice in counselor education. Education session presented at the biannual conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chicago, IL.

  • Christensen, J. K., (April 2013). Reconstructing the System: When a Family Loses a Member to Suicide. International Congress: Association of Martial and Family Therapists, Slovenia: Ljubljana

  • Christensen, J., (May 2012).  How Counselors Make Meaning From Losing a Client to Suicide.  Counseling and Psychotherapy Postgraduate Conference, Edinburgh: Scotland, United Kingdom

Academic Credentials

PhD in Counselor Education & Supervision, The College of William & Mary

MA in Counseling Psychology, Lewis & Clark College

BS in Psychology, Washington State University

Location: Rogers Hall