Born: Bergen, Norway
Lived in: Norway, Swaziland and now the USA.
Major: International Affairs
I grew up in Norway as the next youngest child of 7. My parents had both been previously married, which resulted in a rather large family by Norwegian standards. In addition to the 7 children in my family, we also hosted several exchange students throughout my childhood. I always feel comfortable saying that I have several “international brothers and sisters.”
Since age 11, I have also been actively involved in CISV (Children’s International Summer Villages), a program designed to bring together children from all over the world for summer camps in order to create international friendships. I have been to about 6 or 7 different programs in different countries over the years. Another interesting fact is that almost all my brothers and sisters have done an exchange year abroad. So, although my family has lived in Norway my whole life, I would consider ours a rather international family, especially with all the exchange students we have hosted and all of the international experiences we have had.
When I was younger I used to train in taekwon-do, Korean martial arts, with my whole family and go horseback riding with my sister. I stopped both these activities in middle school when I started dancing. I loved dancing and would try any class I could. I still love it! I picked up volleyball in high school and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also love skiing and snowboarding. I have been skiing for as long as I can remember. I love winter activities and enjoy being outdoors in the mountains, and going for hikes.
I attended Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa. I first heard about United World College from my cousin who went to the UWC in Wales. Then his brother went to the United World College in Norway. Then finally my sister went to the United World College, and that is when I got really interested in applying myself. My sister told me all these stories about the things she experienced and the people she met, and it made me want to do the same.
I didn’t know much about Lewis & Clark before I applied, only the things I have heard from Anja Moulton, another UWC student and friend. But when I got accepted I received so much information from the school, and I was overwhelmed with the feedback and emails that I received from the school. I really appreciated the time and effort Lewis & Clark took to make me feel like I was wanted at the school. That was definitely a decisive factor. I also like the fact that it’s a small school which makes it possible to be a part of the community, not just one of the crowd. Finally, the good scholarships that Lewis & Clark offers UWC students made it economically possible for me to attend Lewis & Clark.
My plans at Lewis & Clark? I plan to take advantage of the fact that Lewis & Clark is so close to Mt Hood and go skiing and snowboarding in winter—if I have time and my studies permit it!! Skiing was an activity I missed most while I was in Swaziland. I also hope to continue with community service like I did at Kamhlaba. And the rest, I will see as the year progresses!
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MSC: 192
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Associate Dean of Students and Director Brian White
International Students and Scholars (ISS)
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219