Section V.A.8: Clinical Faculty - Promotion and Tenure Reviews and Developmental Reviews - Graduate School

VIII. Reviews for clinical professors

Types of review: There are two types of review for clinical professors: annual review and six-year review.

  1. Annual review: Clinical professors produce an annual self-evaluation. Annual self-evaluations are reviewed by the department chair. No written response from the department chair is required, except in the case of the post-clinical associate professor reviews described below. A meeting can be held or a written report can be completed at the request of the faculty member or at the discretion of the department chair.
  2. Six-year clinical professor reviews
    1. Purpose: The purpose of the six-year clinical professor reviews is to provide feedback on the faculty member’s professional growth and contribution to the mission of the Graduate School.
    2. Schedule: Six-year clinical professor reviews occur every six years after a faculty member is promoted to the rank of professor.
    3. Process: Six-year clinical professor reviews include a comprehensive self-evaluation and chair evaluation.
      1. Comprehensive self-evaluation document: The faculty member prepares a comprehensive self-evaluation, with supporting documentation, using the elements contained in the annual self-evaluation, expanded to address the six-year period under review (elements described in GSEC policy handbook).
      2. Chair evaluation: The department chair produces a written evaluation and forwards this to the professor and the dean. The professor may write a response, to be forwarded with the chair’s evaluation.

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