Lucas Klimenka

Lucas Klimenka

UWC attended: Armand Hammer United World College of the American West (USA)
Class Year: Class of 2028

I’m Lucas and I use he/they pronouns. I am from Belarus and I lived there for the majority of my life. I love my country a lot and I am happy to share about it with those willing to learn. Later, I moved to Canada where I am currently staying. Then I put my life in two suitcases for the second time and headed to New Mexico, where I spent my last two years at UWC USA. It was truly a unique experience. While it was a rough journey, I learned many lessons from my time there. I learned how to live with myself, how to change believes, and how to share love with the world. I became friends with beautiful people, who I would never have met if not for this program. We went through every hardship together. We mourned and celebrated together. We were from different countries and continents but we found equilibrium united. Such a community was definitely the most valuable part of my UWC experience.
After experiencing life in a tight-knit community, I realized that it is definitely something I need in my life. Looking at Lewis & Clark, I saw a loving circle of people who embrace differences and support each other. This was the thing that highlighted this college for me.
As you can see, people are of great importance to me. For this reason, I plan on majoring in Psychology. I want to do counseling with teenagers and young adults, especially trauma survivors.
On top of this, I am very excited to take Gender Studies as a minor, because I always found it interesting growing up. Lastly, I am considering taking an additional minor in Data Science because my friend told me that we all live in an unfortunately capitalistic society and I have to make money somehow…
The one thing I would like to achieve at Lewis & Clark is getting more proactive, and more outspoken. While I have a passion for social justice, equity, and inclusion, I need more courage to fight for these things that I find important. I believe that it is needed in our world and that I have the potential to bring positive change. I want to make the world a better place for those around me through radical love and compassion.
I am truly excited to meet each of you and become a part of this wonderful community.