main content Section III.D.5.: Article V: Committees of the Faculty

Section 1. Standing Committees

Standing Committees are: the Committee on Promotion and Tenure; the Committee on the Curriculum; the Committee on Enrollment and Student Experience; the Committee on the Library and Educational Technology; and the Budget Advisory Committee.

Section 2. Membership of Standing Committees

  1. Faculty Members of Committees
    All members of the voting Faculty (except the President, the Dean of the College, and the Associate Dean) are eligible for service on a Standing Committee with the exception of the Committee on Promotion and Tenure, to which only tenured Faculty may be nominated and elected or appointed.

    No faculty member may serve on more than one Standing Committee at a given time.

    A term of service on the following four committees - the Committee on Promotion and Tenure; the Committee on the Curriculum; the Committee on Enrollment and Student Experience; and the Budget Advisory Committee Standing Committee - is three years. A term of service on the Committee on the Library and Educational Technology is two years. A faculty member may be elected to the same or to another Standing Committee for a second term, but after serving for two consecutive terms shall be ineligible for one year for service on any Standing Committee. Initial terms on Committees shall be staggered so that a proportionate number of the Committee members are selected each year.

    If a faculty member resigns or otherwise becomes unavailable for service on a Standing Committee other than the Committee on Promotion and Tenure, a special election to fill the remainder of the vacancy shall be held unless the remainder of the term of service on the committee is one semester or less, in which case, the Dean of the College shall appoint a replacement faculty member. In the case of the Committee on Promotion and Tenure, however, elected members who resign at any time shall be replaced via special election and members originally appointed by the Dean of the College shall be replaced via appointment by the Dean of the College.
  2. Student Members of Standing Committees
    Student members of the Standing Committees shall be appointed annually to serve one-year terms. Student members of Standing Committees shall be nominated according to procedures established by the Associated Student Body and shall be appointed by the Dean of the College.

Section 3. Procedures for Committee Elections

Standing Committees may be comprised of both at-large and divisional representatives. A faculty member wishing to place in nomination another faculty member must obtain the consent of the nominee before such a nomination is certified. Eligible faculty may nominate themselves in writing to the Secretary. A faculty member may be a nominee for only one Committee in any given election.

  1. Divisional representatives to Standing Committees shall be members of the Division they represent and shall be nominated and elected by each Division by the end of March of each year for service beginning the following academic year. Divisional representatives to Committees shall be nominated and elected by the voting Faculty members within each Division.
  2.  At-large representatives to Standing Committees shall be nominated immediately following the completion of the election of the divisional representatives. Elections of at-large representatives shall occur in April of each year for service beginning the following academic year. As indicated in these Bylaws, at-large representatives to Committees may be or may not be required to be members of specified Divisions. Nominations for any at-large members of Committees may be made by any voting member of the Faculty. At-large representatives shall be elected by the voting Faculty as a whole.

    If there are more than two nominations for a particular Standing Committee vacancy, a primary election shall be held. If one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in the primary election, that candidate shall be declared elected. Otherwise, a final election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the primary election.

    If the number of nominations for a particular Committee is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, those faculty in nomination shall be declared elected.

Section 4. Procedures for Election of Standing Committee Chairs

Each Standing Committee shall elect its own Chair from among its voting members. All Committees shall conduct their meetings in accordance with parliamentary procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Adequate notice of meetings of any Committee shall be given to all of its members. Committee meetings may be called by the Chair or at the request of at least two Committee members. Committees other than the Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall circulate minutes in a timely fashion to voting and ex officio members of each Standing Committee, to the Department Chairs, and to the Faculty at large.

Section 5. Committee on Promotion and Tenure

  1. Charge
    The Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall review all requests for tenure, promotion, or other major faculty reviews and make its recommendations to the Dean of the College in accordance with the procedures detailed in the College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Review Document.
  2. Membership
    The Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall consist of six members of the tenured Faculty. Three Committee members, one from each Division, shall be elected at large by the tenured and tenure-track Faculty. Three Committee members shall be appointed by the Dean of the College. The Dean of the College shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Committee.

    Each year, the faculty shall elect three alternate members of the Committee on Promotion and Tenure, one from each division of the College, for one-year terms. Nominees for these positions shall be chosen from among those faculty members with previous service on the Committee on Promotion and Tenure, to assure their experience of the process. When a member of the Committee on Promotion and Tenure is a departmental colleague of a candidate being reviewed for promotion or tenure, that member shall be recused from participation in discussion about and vote on that candidate’s case. The recused member shall be replaced by the alternate from that same division. In the event that two members of the Committee on Promotion and Tenure must be recused, or when an alternate is also from the same department as the candidate, alternates shall be chosen at random from among the other two. Alternates shall attend only those Committee on Promotion and Tenure meetings at which their service is required.

    The Dean of the College shall attempt to minimize the number of recusals that must occur in a given year, based on the anticipated schedule of promotion and tenure reviews.

Section 6. Committee on the Curriculum

  1. Charge
    The Committee on the Curriculum shall have primary responsibility for the curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences. In this regard, the Committee shall review all aspects of the educational program of the College; review and approve proposals for earned degrees to be offered and the requirements for them; review and approve proposals for the establishment or elimination of departmental, interdisciplinary, and general education programs in the College; review and approve all departmental, general educational, and interdisciplinary courses offered by the College; and formulate and review other academic policies and procedures. In addition, the Committee on the Curriculum shall consider curricular issues relating to the academic calendar. Recommendations of the Committee on the Curriculum shall be submitted to the Dean of the College. The Committee shall submit major recommendations such as changes in degrees, changes in College-wide requirements, or the establishment or elimination of departmental, interdisciplinary, and general educational programs to the voting Faculty for its approval, before recommending such proposals to the Dean of the College.
  2. Membership
    The Committee on the Curriculum shall consist of seven members of the voting Faculty and two students. Three of the faculty members shall be divisional representatives, one elected from each Division. Four of the faculty members, one from each Division and also a representative of interdisciplinary studies, shall be elected at large. The Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, the Registrar, and the Director of the Aubrey Watzek Library shall be ex officio, nonvoting members. Ex officio members may designate a substitute if they are unable to attend Committee meetings.

Section 7. Committee on Enrollment and Student Experience

  1. Charge

    The Committee on Enrollment and Student Experience shall review and inform the faculty about issues of enrollment, including recruitment and admissions, financial aid and retention. It will also consider aspects of student experience, both inside and outside of the classroom, that relate to the educational process and students’ ability to succeed at Lewis & Clark.

    The committee will work in partnership with the Dean of the College (or other faculty governance committees as appropriate), the Vice President of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Vice President of Student Life, and/or the President to identify and recommend policy, procedure, and co-curricular programming pertaining to enrollment and student success.

    The Committee on Enrollment and Student Experience shall coordinate faculty support of the College’s enrollment initiatives, and shall provide faculty representation on major enrollment committees constituted by the College. The Committee may designate a substitute to represent the faculty if no current committee member can attend.

  2. Membership
    The Committee on Enrollment shall consist of five members of the voting Faculty and one student. The three divisions shall each have one representative, elected by the entire voting faculty, and two members shall be elected at large. Representatives from the Offices of Admissions and Financial Aid, First Year Experience, and College Advising shall serve as ex officio members.

Section 8. Committee on the Library and Educational Technology

  1. Charge
    The Committee on the Library and Educational Technology shall consider issues relating to the acquisition, organization, and distribution of scholarly information through both traditional and electronic media. It shall also consider issues related to the use of educational technology by the College of Arts and Sciences. The Committee shall make its recommendations to the Dean of the College.
  2. Membership
    The Committee on the Library and Educational Technology shall consist of four members of the voting faculty and one student. There of the faculty members shall be divisional representatives, one elected from each Division. One of the faculty members shall be elected at large. The Dean of the College, the Chief Technology Office, and the Director of the Aubrey Watzek Library shall be ex officio, nonvoting members. Ex officio members may designate a substitute if they are unable to attend Committee meetings.

Section 9. The Budget Advisory Committee

  1. Charge
    The Budget Advisory Committee shall review, and inform the faculty about, budgetary policies, procedures, and trends of the College; recommend policy and procedure pertaining to the budget to the Dean of the College and the President; and, as appropriate, advise the Dean of the College and Divisional Deans on non-personnel budget expenditures in the College of Arts and Sciences.
  2. Membership
    The Budget Advisory Committee shall consist of five members of the Faculty. The Dean of the College and the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer shall be ex officio non-voting members. Ex officio members may designate a substitute if they are unable to attend committee meetings. The three divisions shall each have one representative, elected by the entire voting faculty, and two members shall be elected at large.

Section 10. Other Committees

Other committees may be established for the purpose of facilitating business within the College of Arts and Sciences.

  1. Committees
    These committees function as subcommittees of Standing Committees. The purpose, jurisdiction, and membership are determined annually by the Dean of the College in consultation with the Chairs of the Standing Committees. At least one member of such a Committee, usually the Chair, must be an elected member of the parent Standing Committee. These committees will continue to function until terminated or until superseded by new committees as established above.
  2. Special Committees
    These committees are established by the Dean of the College as the need arises. They are appointed for a specified time period and are terminated at the end of the specified time.

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Approval Date

Amended by the Faculty November 5, 2024 and approved by the President November 7 2024.