main content Section III.D.1: Article I: Faculty

Section 1. Membership

Membership in the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences shall consist of tenured and tenure-track Faculty; Faculty With Term, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers; others teaching at least half time (according to the teaching standards for their departments); the President of the College; the Dean of the College; the Associate Dean of the College; the librarians of the Aubrey Watzek Library, half-time or more and possessing the Master of Library Science Degree; Director of Spiritual Life; the Registrar; the Vice President of Admissions and Financial Aid; the Director of Student Financial Services; the Director of Athletics and Instructors in the Department of Physical Education and Athletics possessing the Master’s Degree; the Directors of the Writing Center and the Symbolic and Quantitative Reasoning Center; and Faculty Emeriti.

Section 2. Voting Rights

For purposes of Faculty business and elections, voting rights shall reside with tenured Faculty, tenure-track Faculty, and Faculty with Term. Faculty holding the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer shall, upon notification to the Dean of the College, also have voting rights.

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