Chemistry Lab Renovation

Focus Areas: Olin 116
Construction Started: May 2024
Anticipated Completion: August 2024


Renovation is complete in Olin 116; a space used as laboratories for Organic Chemistry I and II to bring it up to the teaching, accessibility, and safety standards of our other teaching and experimental laboratories as follows:

- Replacing the bank of 4 hoods on the south wall of the lab which date back to 1970s with more modern units

- Replacing 4 benches with new cabinetry and countertops. The new design will include knee spaces, sinks, and a reduced number of gas outlets compared to the current lab

- Cubbies for students to store their personal belongings will be added, replacing sinks that are currently on the east wall. - Rooms 116 C and 116 D will be joined to create a prep area.

- A short-throw projector system and white board will be added to replace the blackboard in front of 116 A and B. The computer for this projector system will be housed in 116 A/B.

- The ceiling of Olin 116 as well as 116 A, B, C, and D will be freshly painted white and the lighting updated to make the room brighter in order to match our more recently renovated labs.


Facilities Services 