Tony Bornstein was an Assistant Federal Public Defender for nearly thirty years, specializing in Federal Habeas Corpus litigation. He began his career in public defense with the Metropolitan Public Defender in Portland. At MPD, he practiced in both misdemeanor and felony representation, and, for a time, held the position of Attorney Trainer. He was also a visiting professor at his law school alma mater, American University’s Washington College of Law. There, he directed the school’s Appellate Advocacy Clinic and taught a seminar on capital punishment and the judicial process. He has served as the Education Committee Chair for the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and is presently on the Advisory Board of The Champion, the principal publication of The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Previous Courses:
Litigation Federal Habeas Corpus - Spring 2022
Specialty Areas and Course Descriptions
Federal Habeas Corpus: Law and Practice - Spring 2025
Law School Faculty is located in Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6600
fax 503-768-6671