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James Henry JD ’14 was named one of Modern Counsel’s “35 Under 35.” The associate general counsel for ZoomInfo, the Vancouver, Washington-based software company that made waves with its huge IPO in 2020, Henry landed his first in-house position just months after passing the bar exam. He also serves on the board of the Washington Timbers Football Club, a local nonprofit youth soccer club.
James Henry JD ’14 was part of the Portland area’s largest ever IPO and the biggest software IPO in the last 10 years. Henry is corporate counsel at ZoomInfo Technologies, which listed on the Nasdaq on June 4, 2020, under the ticker ZI. He primarily focuses on commercial and transactional matters for the business, as well as data privacy, regulatory compliance, and dispute resolution. Henry has been a member of ZoomInfo’s legal team since 2017. Prior to that, he served as in-house counsel to a national senior living management company.