Anita Shelton


Anita Shelton BA ’80 lives in Seattle, where she makes art, has a backyard farm, restores forests, works in perinatal acupuncture, and is a climate activist. She came across her 1978–79 India overseas study program journal and is grateful to Dr. Kathleen McLaughlin for requiring that assignment. She would love to hear from old friends from India, Howard Hall, or Big Bird days.


Anita Shelton BA ’80 lives with her family in Seattle. She is in private practice as a perinatal acupuncturist and infant bodyworker, treating people who are pregnant or postpartum using acupuncture for common complications of pregnancy. She also treats newborns for neonatal problems, such as torticollis and feeding difficulties. Shelton is active in the #FridaysforFuture climate justice movement. She stays with Katherine White BS ’79 when taking continuing education courses.