Rachael Federico


Rachael Federico JD ’13 and Matthew Blythe JD ’13 welcomed their third child, Robin Matthew Blythe, on January 8, 2022. Robin was born in Silverton, Oregon, weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces. He is lovingly embraced by big sisters Henia Justine Blythe and Shoshana Wren Blythe.


Rachael Federico JD ’13 and Matthew Blythe JD ’13 welcomed their second daughter, Shoshana Wren Blythe, on April 25, 2019. Shoshana was born in Silverton, Oregon, weighing 7 pounds, 9 ounces. She is lovingly embraced by her big sister Henia Justine Blythe.

Shoshana Wren BlytheShoshana Wren Blythe