Daniel Lloyd Timmons
Daniel Timmons JD ’12 was named the Rio Grande waterkeeper and Wild Rivers program director for WildEarth Guardians. For the past several years, Timmons has been a staff attorney with WildEarth Guardians, litigating a variety of climate and energy-focused cases that resulted in significant wins related to the federal government’s approval of oil and gas leasing and development on public lands. He is looking forward to bringing his legal and scientific backgrounds to bear on the complex set of issues facing the Rio Grande and the imperiled ecosystems that depend on healthy flows and clean water. When he’s not playing outside, Timmons can be found in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Daniel Timmons JD ’12 recently moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he is a staff attorney with WildEarth Guardians, a nonprofit environmental group working to protect the wild places, wild rivers, and human communities of the West. Previously, Timmons worked for two years in his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina, as an associate attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center. His litigation work will initially focus on halting fossil fuel development on public lands and protecting flows in the imperiled Rio Grande River. Timmons writes that it can be exhausting work, so he tries to keep himself sane and grounded by hiking, cross-country skiing, and exploring beautiful New Mexico. He has also recently begun developing a Zen meditation practice.