August 30, 2010

Lewis & Clark selected as a partner for the Woodrow Wilson/Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowship for Aspiring Teachers of Color

Lewis & Clark’s teacher education program has been selected as a partner for the Woodrow Wilson-Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowships for Aspiring Teachers of Color.

Lewis & Clark’s teacher education program has been selected as a partner for the Woodrow Wilson-Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowships for Aspiring Teachers of Color, in recognition of our program’s “bold, innovative approaches that can prepare teachers for a time in which the nation’s K-12 schools are undergoing dramatic changes.” The fellowship seeks to help recruit, support, and retain individuals of color as public school teachers in the United States.

According to the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, current trends indicate that by the year 2020, the percentage of teachers of color will fall to an all-time low of five percent of the total teacher force, while the percentage of students of color in the K-12 system will likely near 50%. This Fellowship offers an important opportunity to ensure that greater numbers of highly qualified teachers of color enter public school classrooms around the country. 

Fellows from nominating institutions receive a $30,000 stipend that can be applied toward Lewis & Clark’s Teacher Education program, or teaching programs at 26 other institutions, including Stanford, Brown, Boston College, and NYU. Nominiating institutions include Yale University, Wellesley College, and the University of Chicago, among others.

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