Parents, You are Always Part of the L&C Family!

Our community of parents always blows us away with their end of year generosity. Thank you!

January 10, 2025

Once a Lewis & Clark parent, always a Lewis & Clark parent!

So says Tom Gattiker, whose son William BA ’22 attended L&C, majoring in biochemistry/molecular biology. End of year gifts like the Gattikers’ are critical for student scholarships/financial aid, overseas and outdoor programs, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and other areas of campus in need of support through our Annual Fund.

At the end of 2024, Lewis & Clark was nearly halfway to its $2 million Annual Fund goal for the undergraduate school!

“My wife, Kim, and I support Lewis & Clark because of the incredible experience Will had there, from academics (shout out to his biochem professors) to extracurriculars like climbing club and ultimate frisbee team, to meeting his partner, Rachel,” says Tom.

“[Kim and my] alma maters have massive endowments; Lewis & Clark does not, so we choose to invest in L&C where we think our dollars make a bigger difference.”

L&C Freshman AJ Gibbs BA ’28, from Eugene, Oregon, who receives financial support from gifts like the Gattiker one, would likely agree.

“As a low-income student, I’m very grateful to be able to attend such an amazing school; it means so much to me,” says AJ. “The scholarship [I received] opened up a door that I didn’t think possible; without it, I wouldn’t have been able to afford Lewis & Clark.

“Ever since I saw the campus, team environment, and what the school provided, I always had a dream to go here.”

The Gattiker gift was procured by a Lewis & Clark student caller in October during the Phonathon. Student callers will be back in action in early February, a great way for current and past parents to stay in the loop on what’s happening on campus.

Thank you to all our donors who helped us close the calendar year strong!

AJ Gibbs BA '28 is grateful for the opportunity to attend the amazing Lewis & Clark College, where he is on the track... AJ Gibbs BA ’28 is grateful for the opportunity to attend the “amazing” Lewis & Clark College, where he is on the track and cross country teams, and is leaning toward a health-related major.

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