December 11, 2024

We’ve almost made it.

Dear students, staff, and faculty,

I know that yesterday’s LC Alert error was disruptive and rattled many of us. It was a deeply unfortunate mistake and we are taking steps to ensure it does not occur again. I do want to ask that you extend a little grace to those responsible for the error as we all make mistakes sometimes. I also want to acknowledge the need for updated procedures and training, both to prevent errors like this in the future as well as to ensure that the campus community is as prepared as possible in the event of an emergency. We will do better.

Now to the heart of my message: as we wrap up the fall semester, I am sending an encouraging word to every member of the L&C community: we’ve almost made it. The chance to take a break and connect with friends and family is just around the corner!

I hope that at some point you are able to come up for air and take a moment to look back on what you have accomplished this semester and throughout 2024. Whether you are a law student, a graduate student, an undergraduate, a staff member, or on the faculty, you are an essential part of this caring and collaborative community. I have no doubt that you not only overcame obstacles on the path to this moment, but you also helped someone else get here as well.

I am proud to lead this community of mission-driven staff, scholars and students today, and to usher in Lewis & Clark’s next chapters.

Over the past year, staff and faculty have been working with me and Executive Council to map out priorities to build on the institution’s strengths. Called The L&C Advantage: Three Strategic Imperatives for Lewis & Clark’s Future, this roadmap represents the first phase in the plan. It includes a revised mission statement that better reflects where we are as an institution.

Students: this may be the first time that the imperatives and new mission statement have been brought to your attention. I hope you take the time to read it and to offer your feedback. Please feel free to reach out to me directly or to send your thoughts via

My work on the strategic direction is strongly influenced by my background leading student life at University of Oregon, the University of California system, and here at Lewis & Clark. Years ago, I had an interaction with a student, a senior who had been a leader on campus and highly engaged in activities throughout her time on campus. Yet, she sat in my office, distraught and in tears. This young woman who had taken advantage of every opportunity available to her during her time in school had no idea how to pull those experiences together to help shape the next steps in her journey.

This is perfectly normal, of course, but we at L&C want to make sure our students know their direction and purpose before leaving our fine institution. We are going to ensure that the roadmap is much clearer and attainable for our students

And don’t worry about that directionless student I mentioned. I know for a fact she got through it and is thriving today.

For now I’ll say to all of you: finish strong! Then, take some time to relax and recharge over the break. I look forward to seeing you in the new year.


Robin H. Holmes-Sullivan