October 16, 2023

Great Oregon Shakeout

Participate in the Great Oregon ShakeOut on October 19th.

Guest Columnist: Bill Curtis

Titled Get Ready to ShakeOut October 19, 2023.
Titled Get Ready to ShakeOut October 19, 2023.
L&C Students,
Let’s dive into a crucial matter — earthquake preparedness. Given Oregon’s seismic activity, it’s crucial that we take collective measures to enhance our readiness as a campus community.
We encourage students to participate in the Great Oregon ShakeOut on October 19th at 10:19 am. During this drill, an L&C alert will simulate an earthquake, prompting everyone to practice the DROP, COVER, and HOLD procedure by seeking shelter under a desk or in the nearest safe location. At 10:21 a.m., another L&C alert will signal the conclusion of the safety exercise. Students are urged to update their contact information for L&C alerts, develop emergency plans with roommates or classmates, secure their living spaces, and stay informed about earthquake activity in the region. These proactive steps collectively contribute to a safer and more prepared campus environment.
Thank you for your attention and commitment to earthquake preparedness.
Bill Curtis
Associate Vice President of Student Life Operations and Strategic Initiatives