September 28, 2022

Students! Join our Climate Ambassador Program

Worried about climate change? Who isn’t. Want to do something about it at L&C and gain real experience with carbon reduction policies and action? Become a Climate Ambassador!
Student activists at a climate rally
Student activists at a climate rally

Big changes are happening on campus when it comes to climate! We are updating our climate plan and revamping how we address our impact. There’s lots of work to do and we want YOU to help us.

By becoming a Climate Ambassador, you can help LC successfully reduce our impact - by raising awareness, hosting workshops in your hall, and completing projects that make a difference. Climate Ambassadors will work with others interested in climate action and gain hands-on experience implementing institutional sustainability. 

If you are interested in becoming a Climate Ambassador or want to get more information on the program or even just have a sustainability idea or initiative please fill out this form! Please contact Elijah Black, Energy Management intern, with any questions or concerns.