July 06, 2021

The Status of Campus COVID-19 Restrictions and a Vaccination Rate Update

We are in the process of updating all of our COVID-related policies regarding events, travel, face coverings, testing, etc., and will share those policies, as well as an updated COVID webpage, in mid-July. In the meantime, the current requirement that unvaccinated persons wear face coverings when inside campus buildings remains in place.
We B4 me @ LC graphic
We B4 me @ LC graphic

COVID-related restrictions are being lifted across the country and, as of July 1, Governor Kate Brown rescinded the executive order applicable to Lewis & Clark. Accordingly, we have reopened the campus to members of the public.

We are in the process of updating all of our COVID-related policies regarding events, travel, face coverings, testing, etc., and will share those policies, as well as an updated COVID webpage, in mid-July. In the meantime, the current requirement that unvaccinated persons wear face coverings when inside campus buildings remains in place.

Thank you to all employees helping to keep our community safe by getting vaccinated. Ninety-three percent of employees have completed the Workday task regarding vaccination status and, of those who have responded, 97% are fully vaccinated. The majority of the remaining employees indicate that they still intend to get vaccinated or have received one dose but not yet their second. (Most who have not completed the Workday task are employees who do not work regularly during the summer and may not be checking email). If you have not completed the Workday task, please do so now.

Students are providing proof of vaccination through the student health portal. Students are required to be vaccinated under our Student COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.

Please stay tuned for more information soon.