April 05, 2019

main content History Professor Selected for Short-Term Japan Residency

Professor of History Elliott Young has been awarded a short-term residency at Seijo University in Tokyo, Japan.
Elliott Young
Elliott Young
Professor of History Elliott Young has been awarded a short-term residency at Seijo University in Tokyo, Japan. Supported by the Organization of American Historians (OAH) through a competitive application and review process, the Japan Residencies Program selects two American scholars to spend two weeks in Japan each summer. This year is the 23rd year of the competition, which is intended to “facilitate scholarly dialogue and contribute to the expansion of scholarly networks among students and professors of American history in both countries.” While at Seijo in Summer 2019, Dr. Young will present lectures and seminars on his research specialty, migration and racial and ethnic relations in the twentieth century United States to Japanese undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty. Dr. Young will also meet and collaborate with scholars at Seijo, other nearby universities and universities in Kyoto and Osaka. This work will contribute to his new research and book project on the history of immigrant detention in the United States; in addition to learning about emigration and immigration control in Japan, this experience will facilitate the understanding of migrants’ complex diasporic identities through a transnational perspective.

This is Dr. Young’s second award this year.  He recently received a Franklin Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society.  More about Dr. Young’s scholarship is available here