Labyrinth walking workshop held on September 30th
Led by Veriditas certified labyrinth facilitator and educator Anne Richardson, students and staff from Lewis & Clark joined in a wonderful experiential workshop on walking the labyrinth on September 30th in the Gregg Pavilion. Using the theme “reflect-pause-release” Anne presented participants with a brief history of the labyrinth and then showed us photos of labyrinths that were from many eras and cultures across the world. She then discussed the many ways the labyrinth has been used for meditation and prayer throughout the centuries. Using the poem “The Path” by Lynn Ungar, Anne encouraged participants to consider how walking the labyrinth might speak on that day to their own life journey. Time for writing, reflection and discussion was followed by walking the labyrinth together and experiencing this timeless spiritual practice on the Office of Spiritual Life’s beautiful green and white 27-foot Chartes-pattern labyrinth.
Labyrinth walks in the Gregg Pavilion take place monthly when school is in session. The next two open walks in the fall of 2019 are on October 22nd and November 19th.
Spiritual Life, is located in Flanagan Chapel on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 171
voice 503-768-7085
Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life Hilary Martin Himan
Office Access Directions
Spiritual Life,
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219