main content Climate Change Theatre Action
Art for Social Change participated in the Climate Change Theatre Action at Bag&Baggage’s Vault Theatre in Hillsboro. Other participants included 350PDX Washington Team and the Westside Quilters Guild.
- Cassie Greer, Artistic Director of Bag&Baggage Theatre performs in a reading of The Deal.Lawrence Siulagi
- Phillip J. Berns (left) and Janelle Rae perform in The Pageant.Lawrence Siulagi
- Janelle Rae (left) and Ariane Jacques perform in The Pageant.Lawrence Siulagi
- Ariane Jacques performs in Apology, My.Lawrence Siulagi
- Alec Lugo performs in Apology, My.Lawrence Siulagi
- Janelle Rae (left) and Alec Lugo perform in Mentorship #4.Lawrence Siulagi
- Janelle Rae (left) and Alec Lugo perform in Mentorship #4.Lawrence Siulagi
- Peter Schuyler performs in The Penguin.Lawrence Siulagi
- Peter Schuyler performs in The Penguin.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change, and Liz Nelson, member of Art for Social Change.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change, and a passerby.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change, and a passerby.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change and cast members Janelle Rae and Peter Schuyler.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (back center, in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change, and cast members of the Climate Theatre Action plays. From left: Alec Lugo, Janelle Rae, Phillip J. Berns, Ariane Jacques, Cassie Greer, and Peter Schuyler.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (back center, in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change, and cast members of the Climate Theatre Action plays. From left: Peter Schuyler, Cassie Greer, Ariane Jacques, Janelle Rae, and Alec Lugo.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change in front of The Vault Theatre.Lawrence Siulagi
- Mary Andrus (in Mother Earth costume), co-chair of Art for Social Change with audience members.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault. This free Zine was available for quilting beginners.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change poster set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change quilt squares and quilts by the Westside Quilters Guild set up in the theatre.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change quilt squares and quilts by the Westside Quilters Guild set up in the theatre.Lawrence Siulagi
- In the theatre before a slideshow presentation by 350PDX-Washington Team.Lawrence Siulagi
- 350PDX-Washington County Team presented in the second half of the night.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
- Art for Social Change set up in the lobby of The Vault.Lawrence Siulagi
Art for Social Change
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219