main content Foreign Exchange
How Lewis & Clark’s Cuban connections—and global-minded students—brought a world-class exhibition to the Hoffman Gallery.
- ECO #10, by Rafael VillaresRobert M Reynolds
- The Crystal Kiss, by Reynier Leyva NovoRobert M Reynolds
- A packed house for the opening reception in the Hoffman Gallery.Ted Jack BA ’15
- Exhibition co-curators Elliott Young, professor of history; Linda Tesner, gallery director; and Daniel Duford, visiting associate professor of art at Reed College.Ted Jack BA ’15
- Artist Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo interfacing with local media.Ted Jack BA ’15
- The zines of Yornel Martínez Elías.Ted Jack BA ’15
- Cuban artists Rafael Villares, Reynier Leyva Novo, Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo, and Elizabet Cerviňo.Ted Jack BA ’15
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219