main content Art Exhibit Request Form

  • Please complete the information in the art exhibit request as noted below. 
  • Note that your application must include your agreement to the waiver.
  • Thanks you for your initiative in creating art for exhibit in public places on campus.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required date field
Date of request
required text field
required text field
required text field
required text field
required e-mail address field
Please use Lewis & Clark email address
required select menu field
required select menu field
required date/time field
Preferred date and time of installation*
required date/time field
Preferred date and time of de-installation*
checkbox field
Is the exhibit seasonal and/or associated with an event on campus?
textarea field
required text field
text field
required textarea field
required textarea field
required textarea field
checkbox field
Describe any publicity planned for this exhibit or an associated event
required checkbox field
Agree to waiver*
Applicant hereby releases Lewis & Clark College, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, loss, damage or theft of my art works(s) on display in College facilities and/or grounds. Applicant also understand the following: • Exhibits will be on display for a period of time to be determined in consultation with the Office of the Provost and sponsoring department (if applicable). • Installation will be coordinated with College staff as necessary. • No works of art may be removed during the exhibit period. • Exhibits may contain items that are for sale, though sale prices will not be displayed. The name and email address of the artist will be provided to interested parties for work that is available for purchase. • Exhibits will include descriptive information and artist name proximate to the art work. • The College will exercise due diligence in providing security for art loaned for display in College facilities and/or grounds.