Current students must review all of the information located on the Chosen Name and/or Pronoun web page. From there, fill out the online form which will be sent to the Registrar’s Office for your school.
Faculty/Staff can change select a chosen name directly in Workday by following these instructions, or contact Human Resources at or 503-768-6235.
Alumni should contact Institutional Advancement at or 503-768-7925
If you previously provided a nickname or preferred name, that name is now being used as your chosen name. If you would like to change your chosen name, please refer to the instructions above.
Equity and Inclusion is located in room 116-117 of McAfee on the undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 145
voice 503-768-7186
Equity and Inclusion
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219