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On Being a Porous Boundary

On Being a Porous Boundary

On Being a Porous Boundary is copresented by Lewis & Clark College and A-B Projects at the Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art from November 19, 2024–February 18, 2025.

art, exhibit, exhibition
Blue and white anatomical heart on white background

2024 Senior Art Exhibition

At the end of each academic year, the Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art hosts the Senior Art Exhibition, the culmination of artwork made by the graduating seniors in the art department at the end of their undergraduate journey at Lewis & Clark College.

exhibit, exhibition
Image from Richard Mosse, Broken Spectre

Richard Mosse, Broken Spectre

Converge 45 Presents Broken Spectre by Richard Mosse at the Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art at Lewis & Clark College: August 24–December 15, 2023

art, exhibit, exhibition, senior art show
2023 Senior Art Exhibition: Two Layers Away

2023 Senior Art Exhibition

At the end of each academic year, the Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art hosts the Senior Art Exhibition, the culmination of artwork made by the graduating seniors in the art department at the end of their undergraduate journey at Lewis & Clark College.

art, exhibit, exhibition, painting, photography, video
Black and white photograph next to a colorful painting

Faculty Exhibitions: “Scrum” and “Betwixt and …”

The Hoffman Gallery and the art department are excited to announce the two spring 2023 faculty shows: Dru Donovan’s Scrum and Cara Tomlinson’s Betwixt and . . . The exhibits run from January 26 to March 23, 2023.