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Options and Resources for Survivors of Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence: 2022-23

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Summary of Options
  3. Survivors’ Rights
  4. Medical Care and Evidence Collection
  5. Types of Reporting
  6. Privacy and Confidentiality
  7. Title IX Assessments
  8. Disciplinary Process
  9. Interim Supportive and Protective Measures
  10. Legal and Immigration Assistance
  11. Information for Friends and Allies of Survivors
  12. Self-Care for Survivors
  13. Resources

1. Introduction

Lewis & Clark is committed to supporting and empowering survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence.

Survivors (Footnote 1) who would like help understanding their rights and options can find assistance on campus or in the Portland community. Please see pages 16-18 of this handbook for resources and contact information.

Lewis & Clark is providing this information in compliance with federal and Oregon state laws and policies. Please see the Lewis & Clark website, for more information on Title IX and to review Lewis & Clark’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. To view resources and options for support, please visit

Resources and information for persons accused of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence are listed on the Lewis & Clark website at

(Footnote 1) We use the term “Survivor” to refer to a person who identifies as a victim of sexual misconduct or violence. Survivor is the term most commonly used but the use of this term is not intended to prejudge responsibility of any respondent.

2. Summary of Options

This section details a list of options for survivors to consider. Some actions, such as a forensic exam, need to be done quickly after an incident. Others, such as reporting to L&C, can be done long after an incident. A Confidential Advocate (CA) or a counselor can give survivors information and support to help them consider their choices and make decisions that are right for them.


If there is current/immediate danger or if you are afraid someone (including you) might be harmed, call Campus Safety (on-campus) at 503-768-7777 or 911 (on or off-campus).


Contact a Confidential Advocate (CA) at or a counselor for emotional support and to discuss options and resources. Speaking with a CA or speaking with a counselor in the Counseling Service does not constitute an official report to Lewis & Clark. Advocates and counselors are confidential.


Free counseling for current students is available at the Counseling Service. Referrals to community resources can also be made.

Medical care

If the survivor was injured or is seeking medical care, they may be treated at the Health Service, at a community provider, or an emergency room.

Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE)

Physical evidence may be collected from the body and clothes of a survivor within 120 hours (5 days) of an assault. A report to law enforcement is not necessary to receive a SAFE exam in Oregon; a CA can explain the exam and help with this process. SAFE exams are free, and can be anonymous if a survivor chooses not to report to police.

Preserving evidence

Survivors may consider saving any evidence (including evidence on the body, clothing, and any communication such as emails, text, social media, videos, pictures) until they decide if they want to report to Lewis & Clark, law enforcement, or both. Evidence may be useful in proving that a reported incident occurred and may be helpful in obtaining a protective order.

Online reporting

Reports can also be made through an online form at In this form, survivors or witnesses can choose to remain anonymous by not including their name in the report. If the reporters choose to identify themselves, a Title IX Coordinator will reach out to them.

Reporting to law enforcement

Survivors can report to law enforcement in addition to or instead of Lewis & Clark. Upon request by a survivor, Campus Safety or a CA can help the survivor make the report to law enforcement. The Portland Police Bureau by law is required to maintain the confidentiality of all survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence.

Reporting to L&C

To report, a survivor can disclose to any responsible employee or to the Title IX Coordinator. After a report is made, the Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the survivor to discuss options, including safety measures and/or moving forward with a formal investigation. You are not obligated to move forward with a formal investigation. If Lewis & Clark brings a complaint, the survivor may decline to directly participate in the process without penalty. If Lewis & Clark determines there’s a threat to the community, Lewis & Clark may opt to pursue a disciplinary case without the survivor’s direct participation. If Lewis & Clark brings a complaint, the survivor may decline to directly participate in the process without penalty.

Remedies and Interim Remedies

“Remedies” refer to arrangements made to assist survivors with their continued access to the educational opportunities at Lewis & Clark. “Interim Remedies” refers to arrangements which may be possible without a complaint, or which may be possible while a complaint is pending, through discussions with the Title IX Coordinator. Reporting is necessary for survivors to be eligible for most remedies from Lewis & Clark; however, reporting does not mean there will be an investigation without the consent of the survivor. Depending on the circumstances, remedies may include emergency housing, academic support, class or work schedule changes, campus escorts, and no-contact orders. A report doesn’t need to be made to get advocacy or counseling. A CA may accompany a survivor to meetings with the Title IX Coordinator about remedies or interim remedies.

No-contact orders and protective orders

If both the survivor and accused/respondent are Lewis & Clark community members, Lewis & Clark may issue a no-contact order (NCO). NCOs are issued reciprocally and not intended to be punitive. Violations of NCOs may result in disciplinary action. Protective orders are issued by courts and require the respondent to avoid certain areas and types of contact. Protective orders may be obtained even in the absence of a report to Lewis & Clark or law enforcement.

Civil court remedies

Even if the incident was neither reported to law enforcement nor prosecuted in criminal court, survivors may choose to bring a civil case to recover damages for the harm done to them and to help pay for services that assist in healing. Survivors interested in this option should contact an attorney.

Crime victim compensation

Survivors who report to law enforcement may be eligible for state compensation for victims of crime to reimburse expenses such as medical and counseling expenses and loss of wages.

Legal assistance

Consultation with an attorney may be helpful to survivors. Lewis & Clark does not provide legal assistance, though resources are available off-campus. Free legal assistance in criminal and civil proceedings may be available to survivors of sexual assault from the Victim Rights Law Center or the Oregon Crime Victims Law Center.

Immigration assistance

Some non-citizen survivors of violent crimes (including sexual assault and relationship abuse) may qualify for U-Visas or other immigration relief. Lewis & Clark provides limited immigration assistance but is unable to help with U-Visas or immigration relief for survivors. For assistance, search the National Immigration Legal Services Directory.

3. Survivors’ Rights

Under Title IX, federal and Oregon state law, survivors have the right to:

  • Talk to anyone about the assault or abuse;
  • Refuse to talk to anyone, including police or Lewis & Clark officials, and survivors can change their mind at any time;
  • Report to law enforcement, Lewis & Clark, or both;
  • Have someone with them when they talk to law enforcement or Lewis & Clark personnel;
  • Receive a medical forensic examination at a hospital (within 120 hours [5 days] of the assault) whether or not the survivor reports to law enforcement, which helps keep options open for reporting in the future;
  • Get a free wellness exam, including emergency contraception and sexually transmitted infection prophylaxis if indicated, within seven days of the assault from some off-campus medical providers (these services may also be available on campus for low or no cost);
  • File a complaint with Lewis & Clark, and, if Lewis & Clark brings a complaint, to join it or decline to participate in the process without penalty;
  • Request reasonable arrangements to minimize the impact of sexual and interpersonal violence on their education.

This list is not intended to be comprehensive. Survivors may have additional rights and may wish to contact a victim services attorney or an advocate.

4. Medical Care and Evidence Collection

Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFE)

These exams are for survivors of sexual assault and must be conducted within 120 hours (5 days) of the incident. It is not necessary to report to law enforcement in order to receive an exam. The survivor can have the evidence collected and decide later whether to report.

To collect evidence that may be used in prosecution, a trained nurse examiner will take swabs and samples from the survivor’s body and will collect clothes the survivor was wearing during or after the incident. The nurse will inform the survivor of each step in the exam along the way. A survivor may choose to opt out of any aspect of the exam. The nurse will also document injuries and, if indicated, will offer emergency contraception and sexually transmitted infection prophylaxis (medications that can prevent some diseases from developing). Additionally, a friend, CA, or victim advocate from a local organization can and will be present during the exam if the survivor wishes.

If a survivor is considering a forensic exam, it’s recommended not to shower, change clothes, eat or drink, or go to the bathroom before the exam.

In Multnomah County, where Lewis & Clark is located, exams are conducted in hospital emergency rooms. The closest ER to Lewis & Clark is Oregon Health Science University (OHSU). Confidential Advocates at Lewis & Clark can explain the procedure and help arrange transportation. There is no cost for the exam.

Learn more about SAFE exams from the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force.

Other Medical Care

Survivors may have injuries from the assault, and may have concerns about unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Even if they do not have a forensic exam, the survivor may wish to have a wellness exam and obtain emergency contraception or prophylactic drugs that can prevent some STIs. The state of Oregon pays for a wellness exam at many medical offices within seven days of the incident; you can contact providers for more information.

The Health Service can also provide a wellness exam and may offer emergency contraception and sexually transmitted infections prophylaxis. These services are free or low cost to students. Please contact a CA or the Health Service for more information.

Other Evidence to Save

Even if a survivor is not sure whether they want to report to Lewis & Clark or law enforcement, preserving evidence aids in keeping those options open for the future. Evidence in cases of sexual or interpersonal violence might include bedding, items that the perpetrator touched, and notes, texts, social media contact, or voicemails. In order to preserve evidence, survivors may want to consider photographing any injuries (including bruises, scratches, etc.)

5. Types of Reporting

When a report is made, Lewis & Clark will investigate and determine what action it might take to promote the safety of community members. Lewis & Clark’s response may be limited by the amount of information available.

Anonymous Report

Anyone can make an anonymous report by using the report form found at on the Lewis & Clark website. In order to make the report anonymous, the reporter should not list their name. CAs can also help facilitate an anonymous report.

Confidential Support

Confidential resources on campus are the Health Service, Counseling Service staff, CAs, clergy in the Office of Spiritual Life, and the Ombudsperson. These confidential resources will not share information that can identify the survivor or the accused/respondent with anyone else without the survivor’s permission. If they believe the survivor is at high risk in the near future of harming themselves or someone else, they may need to involve appropriate third parties in the care plan. If child abuse is reported, they may need to file a report about that (see “Child abuse mandatory reporting” below). Accessing a confidential resource does not constitute making an official report to Lewis & Clark.

Title IX

Any Lewis & Clark community member, parent or family member, or legitimate user of Lewis & Clark facilities and programs-not just the target(s) of the alleged Title IX violation-may make a report to the Title IX Coordinator. All Title IX reports will be assessed for safety risk and appropriate remedies, and may prompt a formal investigation, depending on the survivor’s wishes and the assessed level of ongoing threat to the community. Not all investigations will result in disciplinary hearings.

Obligated Reporting

All responsible employees, including faculty and staff, must share information about sexual misconduct/assault that occurs with the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator. Incidents that must be reported include sexual or interpersonal violence (stalking, dating violence, intimate partner violence). See also “Confidential Support” above.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Survivors have the option of reporting to law enforcement instead of or in addition to Lewis & Clark. Campus Safety staff can facilitate the process and may coordinate with law enforcement to conduct the interview on campus.

Survivors do not have to talk to the police and can change their minds at any time. They have the right to have an advocate or ally with them when talking to the police.

If the survivor does not contact the police, Campus Safety staff may do so if they feel the campus community is in danger. This is not common.

After investigation, law enforcement may refer the report to the District Attorney’s office for prosecution. The District Attorney will decide whether to file charges. Survivor information is generally not disclosed. Law enforcement and prosecutors represent the government’s interests. A survivor may want to contact a victim rights attorney for information about the legal process.

Child Abuse Mandatory Reporting

Oregon law requires most employees of Lewis & Clark, including student employees, to immediately report suspected sexual or physical abuse or neglect of any person under 18 years of age; some healthcare professionals have licenses that exempt them from this mandatory reporting requirement. Reports must be made immediately for all situations that the employee becomes aware of, even if they become aware while not at work. The mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect of children is a 24-hour obligation.

It is the employee’s responsibility to report to the Oregon Department of Human Services or law enforcement. A report must also be made to Lewis & Clark when either the minor or the abuser is affiliated with Lewis & Clark.

If a survivor who is a minor wishes to talk about a personal experience of abuse or neglect with a professional on campus, but does not want a mandatory report to be made, the survivor may either:

  • Contact the Counseling Service and request to speak with a psychologist, or
  • Contact the Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life.

Staff serving in these roles are not mandated to report disclosures of abuse.

6. Privacy and Confidentiality

Lewis & Clark is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of sexual misconduct/assault or other forms of prohibited conduct. All Lewis & Clark employees who are involved in Lewis & Clark’s Title IX response, including the Title IX Coordinators, investigators, and hearing board members, receive specific instruction about respecting and safeguarding private information. Throughout the process, every effort will be made to protect the privacy interests of all individuals involved in a manner consistent with the need for a thorough review of the report.

Privacy and confidentiality have distinct meanings under this policy.


Privacy generally means that information related to a report of misconduct will only be shared with a limited circle of individuals. The use of this information is limited to those Lewis & Clark employees who “need to know” in order to assist in the active review, investigation, or resolution of the report. While not bound by confidentiality, these individuals will be discreet and respect the privacy of all individuals involved in the process.


Confidentiality means that information shared by an individual with designated campus or community professionals cannot be revealed to any other individual without the express permission of the individual.

An individual who seeks confidential assistance may do so by speaking with professionals who can offer legally-protected confidentiality. On campus, confidential resources available to students include:

  • Counselors and psychologists in the Counseling Service,
  • Medical professionals in the Health Service,
  • Ordained clergy in the Office of Spiritual Life,
  • the Ombudsperson, and
  • Confidential Advocates.

Employees may access confidential assistance through the Employee Assistance Program. Information shared with these resources will remain confidential and will not be shared with Lewis & Clark or anyone else without the express permission of the individual seeking services. Even for these staff, there are a few exceptions to confidentiality. But these exceptions arise infrequently, and staff review these exceptions with students at the outset of care.

When a report involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18, all Lewis & Clark employees are required by state law to notify child protective services and/or local law enforcement, unless the employee is a psychiatrist, psychologist, member of the clergy, attorney or guardian ad litem.

Under federal law, Lewis & Clark must include all reported instances of sexual assault in annual security reports. The identities of involved parties are protected; no names or identifying information/details appear in these reports.

More information on confidentiality and the sexual misconduct reporting process can be found linked below:

7. Title IX Assessments

Title IX is a federal law that protects the rights of all students, regardless of gender, to get an education and participate fully in campus activities. Each educational institution approves its own policy and procedures to implement Title IX. Please visit for complete information.

When Lewis & Clark receives a report of sexual misconduct, it must always initiate a Title IX assessment. A Title IX assessment is different from a disciplinary complaint. In every report of sexual misconduct or other forms of prohibited conduct, Lewis & Clark will make an immediate assessment of any risk of harm to individuals or to the campus community and will take steps necessary to address those risks. These steps may include interim protective measures to provide for the safety of the individual and the campus community.

The initial review will proceed to the point where a reasonable assessment of the safety of the individual and of the campus community can be made. Thereafter, the matter will either be referred for informal resolution or the investigation may be initiated depending on a variety of factors, such as the complainant’s wish to pursue disciplinary action, the risk posed to any individual or the campus community by not proceeding, and the nature of the allegation.

In most cases, when a student is the Respondent, Title IX designates an investigator. The Associate Vice President of Human Resources will in most cases investigate reports when an employee is the Respondent. In cases that involve both students and employees, both Title IX and Human Resources will be involved.

Complaints of sexual misconduct and discrimination on the basis of gender may also be filed directly with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights by phone (800-421-3481) or email

8. Disciplinary Process

Anyone affiliated with Lewis & Clark can bring a complaint of a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy at any time. If the accused is a student, cases are filed with Student Rights and Responsibilities. The Associate Vice President for Human Resources receives complaints against Lewis & Clark employees. If Lewis & Clark feels that the accused is a danger to the community, Lewis & Clark may initiate a formal complaint, even if the survivor does not wish to do so. Decisions as to whether the policy was violated will be made using a “preponderance of evidence” standard (i.e., is it more likely than not that a policy was violated).

The following is a summary of the Formal Resolution process; please see the Lewis & Clark website for more complete information.

9. Interim Supportive and Protective Measures

Lewis & Clark may help to implement interim remedies and provide protective remedies if a survivor requests them and if they are reasonable under the circumstances. Changes to academic, living, transportation, and working situations may be possible. Lewis & Clark will make a reasonable effort to minimize the impact of any remedies on all parties, although remedies may be imposed on a party found responsible for violating policy. A report to law enforcement, or a formal complaint to Lewis & Clark, is not necessary to request interim remedies.

Limited disclosure of the survivor’s and the accused’s names and the reason for requested remedies may be necessary in order to provide these measures, but Lewis & Clark will protect the confidentiality of all parties as much as possible.

This is a non-exhaustive list of some accommodations and remedies available to survivors. Other accommodations may be made on a case-by-case basis. A CA can help survivors coordinate remedies and accommodations with any of these offices or individuals.

Supportive Measures

  • Access to on-campus counseling services and assistance with referrals to off-campus care.
  • Rescheduling of exams and assignments (in conjunction with appropriate faculty).
  • Providing alternative course completion options (with the agreement of the appropriate faculty).
  • Change in class schedule, including the ability to take an “incomplete,” drop a course without penalty or transfer sections (with the agreement of the appropriate faculty).
  • Change in work schedule or job assignment.
  • Change in on-campus housing.
  • Arranging to dissolve a housing contract and pro-rating a refund in accordance with campus housing policies.
  • Assistance from College support staff in completing housing relocation.
  • Voluntary leave of absence.
  • Providing an escort to ensure safe movement between classes, activities, and employment responsibilities.
  • Providing student health services.
  • Providing academic support services, such as tutoring.

Protective Measures

  • Imposition of campus No-Contact Letter.
  • Interim suspension or College-imposed leave.
  • Limit an individual or organization’s access to certain College facilities or activities pending resolution of the matter.
  • Interim suspension or separation.
  • Any other measure that can be tailored to the involved individuals to achieve the goals of this policy.

10. Legal and Immigration Assistance

Legal Assistance

Survivors may wish to seek legal counsel to ensure that their rights are protected in administrative, civil, and criminal proceedings.

Lewis & Clark does not provide legal assistance. Survivors may consult a private attorney or an agency that offers free or low-cost services for survivors. The Victim Rights Law Center provides free legal assistance to survivors of sexual assault. The Oregon Crime Victims Law Center provides free legal assistance to survivors of sexual assault and other violent crimes.

Survivors may want to consult an attorney for representation or advice about:

  • Obtaining protective orders for sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking;
  • Acting as an advisor during Lewis & Clark investigative or disciplinary proceedings;
  • Initiating civil proceedings for relief and compensation;
  • Representation when breaking a rental contract under Oregon Revised Statute ORS §90.453;
  • Assessing eligibility and applying for state compensation for victims of crime for reimbursement of some expenses incurred by survivors, including medical and counseling expenses and loss of wages.

More information on survivors’ legal rights may be found on the Oregon Crime Victims Law Center website.

Protective Orders

In Oregon, courts issue different protective orders for sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. It is not necessary to file a police report to apply for a protective order. However, violations of the order should be reported to law enforcement. Lewis & Clark honors all court-issued protective orders. Please be aware that if you notify a non-confidential “responsible employee” (e.g. a faculty or staff member, or Campus Safety staff) of a protective order, this will trigger a chain of communication, which will result in an outreach to you by the Title IX Coordinator. For more information about the rights of the survivor with a protective order, contact a CA.

Assistance in applying for protective orders may be available from Multnomah County advocates in the county courthouse. There is no fee for filing an order nor for a service of notice to the respondent.

The order is not valid until the respondent has been served and given an opportunity to reply to the court. An order might be contested by a respondent if, for example, they believe it is unnecessary or unfairly restrictive. If the protective order is contested, a hearing will be held.

Survivors interested in obtaining a protective order may want to consider contacting a victim service attorney to ensure that their rights are protected.

Immigration Assistance

Some immigration relief may be available to non-citizen survivors of violent crimes (including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking). Lewis & Clark provides limited immigration assistance, but is unable to help with immigration relief for survivors.

The U-Visa is a temporary visa that survivors of specific types of crime may qualify for under certain conditions. The crime must be reported to law enforcement, and the survivor must cooperate fully with the investigation and prosecution. It is not necessary that a conviction be obtained in order for the survivor to qualify. Other conditions apply, and survivors should contact a victim rights or immigration attorney for more information.

In addition to the Victim Rights Law Center and the Oregon Crime Victims Law Center, survivors can find information on nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services in the National Immigration Legal Services Directory.

11. Information for Friends and Allies of Survivors

Many survivors say that what helped them most in their healing process was the unconditional support of a friend.

Some things that survivors have said were helpful to hear:

  • “I’m so sorry that happened.”
  • “You did nothing to deserve that.”
  • “I believe you.”
  • “If you’d like, I can help you find out what your options and resources are.”
  • “I’ll support whatever decision you make about what to do next.”

There’s no one right way to respond to traumatic events. Survivors often have difficulties with their mental health after violence occurs. Friends can help by validating their feelings. It’s common for survivors to not initially name what happened to them as rape/abuse/assault, although they recognize something is wrong. Once they start to feel safer, they may begin trying to understand the experience by talking about it. It’s important for friends and allies to match the language of the survivor instead of labeling the experience as they perceive it.

Friends and allies should consider and be honest with the survivor about what support they can provide, especially if they also have a history of trauma. They may want to remind the survivor that advocates and counselors can offer support.

12. Self-Care for Survivors

Self-care means caring for yourself in your mind, body, emotions, and whole self. It also means avoiding things that may be activating or triggering.

It is okay to ask for what you need, and it is okay to say no if someone wants you to do something. You do not have to take care of anyone else’s feelings. You do not have to protect other people by pretending everything’s okay. You do not have to talk any more if you don’t want to.

Reactions to and feelings about sexual and interpersonal violence change over time. There is no right way to feel about or respond to abuse or violence, and there is no one correct way to practice self-care.

Planning how you will care for yourself can help if you start to feel overwhelmed. Below are some options for a self-care plan:

  • Write in a journal.
  • Create-art, stories, content…
  • Go for a walk.
  • Exercise.
  • Eat your favorite food.
  • Read something inspiring or something that makes you laugh.
  • Breathe in and out on a slow count of 3, 5, or 7.
  • Make a special playlist.
  • Wear your favorite or comfiest clothes.
  • Give yourself permission to feel whatever you are feeling.

It is also useful to write down three phone numbers you can use if you feel like you need to talk. These may be friends, family, a counselor, or a crisis line.

13. Resources

All resources can also be accessed at the Healthy Relationships webpage.

Reporting (On-Campus)

  • Anonymous Reporting (
  • Interim Title IX Coordinator Lori Makin-Byrd,
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinator Janet Bixby, Associate Dean, Graduate School,, 503-768-6003
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinator Libby Davis, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Law School,, 503-768-6610
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinator Heyke Kirkendall-Baker, Associate Vice President, Human Resources,, 503-768-6239
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinator Elaine Hirsch, Associate Director, Watzek Library,, 503-768-7288
  • Campus Safety: Available as a first option to report an incident of sexual or interpersonal violence. Also provides an escort service on campus to any student. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 503-768-7777 (emergency line, 24/7)
  • Student Rights & Responsibilities, Director, Jessica Carron,,, 503-768-8181

Reporting Resources, Off-Campus

  • Portland Police Bureau: If there is an emergency, dial 911; Non-emergency line, 503-823-3333
  • United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights,, 800-421-3481
  • Oregon Child and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Hotline, 1-855-503-SAFE (7233),

Confidential Resources (Footnote 2), On-Campus

  • Confidential Advocates (CAs): Confidential Advocates are available weekdays during business hours,
  • Counseling Service, 503-768-7160 (business hours),
    • Crisis Counseling Service: Licensed mental health staff provide 24/7 support; Lewis & Clark Counseling Service staff receive a summary of each call and hold that information confidential, 503-265-7804
  • Health Service, 503-768-7165 (business hours),
    • Nursing Consultation Service: After-hours helpline available 24/7 to all enrolled students. A registered nurse will ask questions and help you decide whether you need medical help. Health Service staff will receive a summary of the call and follow up with the student the next business day, 877-617-9531
  • Ombuds Office, Ombudsperson, Valerie White,,, 503-768-7336
  • Clergy in the Office of Spiritual Life, Chaplain, Hilary Martin Himan,, 503-502-9009

(Footnote 2) Confidential resources are those that are not required to notify Title IX if a survivor discloses violence. Other protections may apply to them as resources. For more information on confidentiality, please reach out to a Confidential Advocate.

Confidential Resources, Off-Campus

  • Call to Safety, Available 24/7, 503-235-5333,
  • Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC), Available 24/7, 503-640-5311,
  • UNICA, Spanish-speaking hotline, available 24/7, 503-232-4448,
  • RAINN, Available 24/7, 800-656-HOPE (4673),
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline, Available 24/7, 800-799-SAFE (7233), Text “START” to 88788,
  • The STEVE Fund: The Steve Fund is dedicated to supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color. Text “STEVE” to 741741,
  • Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support. Text “HOME” to 741741,

Other L&C Resources

Legal Assistance and Immigration

Other Links and Resources