main content Survivor Bill of Rights

  • You have the right to live without fear or violence, regardless of your age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, class, race, ethnicity, religion, ability, lifestyle, or experience.
  • You have the right to dress in any manner, to go to any place, and to be with any people without encountering fear or violence.
  • You have the right to give or deny your consent to any sexual activity, regardless of what you have chosen or not chosen in the past, and you have the right to withdraw that consent after it has already been given without encountering fear or violence.
  • You have the right to never, ever be blamed for an act of gender-based violence perpetrated against you.
  • If you are a survivor of any form of violence, you have the right to be believed, validated, and supported.
  • You have the right to choose what path you will take toward justice and recovery, and what form healing will take.
  • You have the right to choose when, how, to whom, or even if you report the incident.
  • You deserve to be believed, validated, and supported, and to live without fear or violence.