main content Your Options
Advocacy and Health
- Confidential Advocates offer nonjudgmental support and provide options for all L&C community members.
- Survivors may want to consider preserving evidence (clothing, communications, pictures, evidence on the body) if they decide to report.
- A Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) can be conducted at local hospitals within 120 hours (5 days) of an assault.
- Counseling Service offers free therapy, crisis counseling, and psychiatry appointments for all L&C students.
- If there is a current danger or if you are afraid someone might be harmed, call Campus Safety at 503-768-7777 (on campus) or 911 (off campus).
- Reports can be made to L&C’s Title IX Coordinator by phone, email, or the online form.
- Reports can be made off campus to law enforcement at the Portland Police Bureau.
- Reports can be made to any nonconfidential employee, aka responsible employee, who will notify Title IX.
On-Campus Arrangements
- Remedies can be made for survivors (academic, housing, escorts, etc.) to ensure their access to educational opportunities is not interrupted.
- No contact orders can be issued reciprocally if the survivor and respondent are both L&C community members.
Legal Support
- Immigration assistance is available via the National Immigration Legal Services Directory.
- Legal assistance is available via the Victim Rights Law Center.
- Other forms of assistance available for survivors include protective orders, civil court cases, and crime victim compensation.
voice x7107
Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219