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When, how, and why you should contact the Title IX coordinator.
Within Campus Living, RAs are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator, because of their unique work with students in a setting where we know incidents of Sexual Misconduct occur. All other student workers are not considered responsible employees and are not, at this time, obligated to directly notify the Title IX Coordinator.
If any student worker or Graduate Assistant has regular contact with students, however, please remind the student worker to notify their supervisor if anything concerning comes up in the course of their job responsibilities. This is to ensure that your student worker is not taking on issues beyond their responsibility or training. We suggest training all student workers to alert a supervisor if they hear or observe anything concerning from or about a student. That could include changes in behavior, as well as any mention of fear or hopelessness.
You can use phone, email, in-person, or the report webform. The method is not important; what is important is to make sure you get the information to the Title IX Coordinator. You can reach the Title IX Coordinator or any Deputy Title IX Coordinator through e-mail or phone.
Any person can use the Report a Concern form, whether making a responsible employee report or submitting information on their own behalf.
Any and all information you receive regarding any of the following. Refer to the Sexual Misconduct policy for full definitions. You do not have to ask questions or gather more information: please do not try to investigate! You just need to report any information you have received.
Any mentions of these issues require you to notify the Title IX Coordinator:
- Any non-consensual sexual activity (sexual touching, sexual acts). If there’s any indication they did not want the activity, please report; you do not have to work on determining what consent and lack of consent means.
- Sexual harassment: unwanted comments or compliments, unwanted requests for dates or sexual activity, insults, and any suggestion of requesting sexual activity in return for some kind of benefit.
- Stalking: following, persistent social media contact, or other behavior that would reasonably cause fear or alarm.
- Prohibited relationships: Sexual/intimate relationships in which one person maintains a direct supervisory or evaluative role over the other person.
- Intimate partner violence: any threat or act of violence - including physical, sexual, financial, or other means of abuse and control of a person - against a person in the context of a dating, sexual, domestic, or other intimate relationship.
- Exploitation: taking pictures or video without consent, sharing pictures or video without consent, watching without consent, knowingly transmitting an STI, exposing genitals without consent, or trying to induce incapacitation (getting someone drunk or high) in order to make someone vulnerable to non-consensual sexual activity.
Sexual misconduct and intimate partner violence affects individuals of all genders, gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientation and occurs regardless of racial, social, or economic background.
The person affected by possible sexual misconduct will receive outreach. Outreach means that a Confidential Advocate or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator sends an email offering options and support to the affected person. Where there are safety concerns around e-mail, such as stalking or intimate partner violence situations, a Confidential Advocate will reach out to the affected person by other means.
The goal of outreach is to make sure the person knows about their choices and options, and receives appropriate support, referrals, or resources. There are many resources and options available regardless of whether the person affected wants an investigation.
Notifying the Title IX Coordinator means that the person most equipped to offer options and resources can reach out and ensure the student knows about all their options and choices. Outreach to the student will be an e-mail (or other initial contact such as phone), to offer options and support. The Title IX Deputy Coordinator or Coordinator will respect the autonomy and choice of the affected student, and will neither pressure nor dissuade the student from pursuing options such as a formal disciplinary process.
To meet that goal of informed choice, all responsible employees are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator of the information you received.
It is better to receive the information from four different people, than to have four people know about the information and have everyone think someone else already reported. The Title IX Coordinator will review and combine multiple notifications about the same incident.
You can also utilize the resources below for talking through the situation, or further information:
- Title IX
- Human Resources
- Contact a Confidential Advocate for more information on supporting survivors.
Additional Information
voice x7107
Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219