main contentTitle IX Compliance

Something happened to me.
Where can I get help?

I heard about something that happened.
What do I do next?

I think someone accused me of something.
What will happen?

I am faculty or staff, and I heard about something that happened.  

What should I say to a student?        What do I have to report?

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a section from the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which states the following:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX prohibits colleges such as Lewis & Clark from discriminating on the basis of sex in its educational and co-curricular programs.  Title IX has received most attention in its application to college and high school athletics.  It applies, however, to all programs and services at federally funded colleges, with few exceptions. 

What should I do if I think I have been discriminated against on the basis of my gender, or subjected to sexual misconduct?

You should bring your situation to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator. There are also a number of other resources set forth in the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Harassment and other conduct motivated by bias or hate may also be covered in the College’s Harassment and Hate- or Bias-Motivated Conduct Policy.

Report a Concerning Situation Lewis & Clark’s Sexual Misconduct Policy

Filing a Report

What happens when I file a report?

You will get an email inviting you to discuss your option. Your choices include:

Do I want a disciplinary process involving consequences for the offending party?

Are there other options?

Title IX Coordinators at Lewis & Clark

Who are Lewis & Clark’s Title IX Coordinators, and what do they do?

The Title IX Coordinator has responsibility for overseeing all Title IX compliance, including complaints of sexual misconduct. All instances of Sexual Misconduct should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator for Lewis & Clark

Lori Makin-Byrd

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

  • Janet Bixby, Associate Dean of the Graduate School: (503) 768-6003
  • Helen Howell, Chief Human Resources Officer: (503) 768-6239
  • Libby Davis, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Law School: (503) 768-6610
  • Elaine Hirsch, Associate Director of the Watzek Library: (503) 768-7288
  • Complaints involving students can be reported to any one of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators.
  • Complaints involving faculty or staff can be reported to the Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Helen Howell.

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