main contentBias Assessment and Reporting
Please refer to this institutional page to find information on the Lewis & Clark Harassment and Hate- or Bias-Motivated Conduct Policy , including explanations of the following:
- Policy Statement
- Scope of Policy
- Prohibited Conduct
- Protected Characteristics
- Definitions
- Reporting Process and Resources
As described in the policy:
Every member of our community is expected to commit to maintaining a safe, respectful and welcoming community. Acts that are an affront to the core values of the institution are not tolerated. Such actions destroy the sense of community we all share. Additionally, acts of intolerance do untold and unjust harm to the well-being, dignity and safety of those who are victimized by these acts.
Bias Assessment and Reporting Team (BART) Process
The Bias Assessment and Reporting Team (BART) is a reporting process that provides a system to assist individuals and groups affected by bias incidents, track and document these occurrences, and propose responses and interventions aimed at reducing bias on campus. Our aim is to cultivate a campus culture where everyone feels valued and respected while honoring individual rights. The safety and well-being of community members are our top priorities. The process supports all community members from across the college.
We take all bias matters seriously. We work to understand the intent, impact, circumstances, and persons involved in every situation.
If you or someone you know have experienced a bias incident, please report it using the bias report form. Someone from the BART team will follow up after a report has been submitted.
Reports may be submitted anonymously, although anonymous reports may limit the institution’s ability to investigate the incident and/or follow up with the reporter. The outcomes of incidents are subject to confidentiality and privacy protections of those involved.
Report a Bias IncidentAnnual BART Reports
What Happens After a Report is Made?
1. What happens if I report a Bias concern to the College?
Any immediate safety concerns, hate crimes, or threats will be referred to Campus Safety for action and response.
If your name and contact information is included in the report, you will get an email inviting you to discuss the incident or situation, and to discuss options. Please be sure to also check your “spam” folder if you are expecting an email.
2. What could “options” include?
Each case is specific and processed depending on a number of factors. Options could include one or more of the following:
- A referral to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities to address student conduct that violates the student code
- Discuss addressing the concern directly with the person responsible; co- create a plan to do better, with or without BART help
- A referral to Human Resources to address the situation with an employee
- Ask for help addressing the concern and getting support for yourself
- Discuss informal resolutions, such as mediation or a facilitated dialogue with the person responsible or the office/department, to discuss the concern & find what can be done differently
- Ask for changes in classes, housing arrangements, work, or activities, to try to minimize interactions
- Ask for a No Contact Order to make it clear you don’t want any contact with the person involved
- Ask for an administrator to address the concern, with or without your involvement. A Dean, Associate Dean, or Director can discuss the concern with the person responsible & create a plan to do better in the future. In some cases, if a systemic or institution-wide issue has been identified, BART can assist with a change in College policy, operations, or educational practice to address bias in design or impact.
- A request for no resolution but for BART to be only notified of the incident
3. How will I find out how my report is resolved?
- If you remain involved in the resolution process, communication can be ongoing until your case is closed
- In some cases, such as those involving student conduct cases or safety concerns, outcomes of incidents may be subject to confidentiality and privacy protections of those involved
- If follow up is not possible or needed, then it may not occur
- All BART reports are retained as part of ongoing incident monitoring efforts
Other Reporting Options
Complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, hate- or bias-motivated incidents may be made in several ways:
- Besides the bias report form, which will be delivered to the Bias Incident Assessment and Response Team (BART) who will make sure the complaint is received by the necessary offices; you can instead email the Office of Equity and Inclusion at or call extension 7186; Or
- File a complaint directly with Human Resources. Call extension 6239 to make an appointment.
- If it is an emergency, contact Campus Safety at Extension: 7777
Complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, hate- or bias-motivated incidents may be made in several ways:
- Besides the bias report form, which will be delivered to the Bias Incident Assessment and Response Team (BART) who will make sure the complaint is received by the necessary offices; you can instead email the Office of Equity and Inclusion at diversityinclusion@lclark.eduor call extension 7186; Or
Contact one of the following offices:
- College of Arts and Sciences: Dean of Student’s Office: Extension 7145; or the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Extension 8181
- Graduate School of Education and Counseling: Associate Dean: Extension 6003
- Law School: Associate Dean: Extension 6610
- If it is an emergency, contact Campus Safety at Extension: 7777
The BART process is a collaboration between several offices, including the Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Division of Student Life, Deans Offices, and the Office of Human Resources, among others. It operates from the Office of Equity and Inclusion.
Equity and Inclusion is located in room 116-117 of McAfee on the undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 145
voice 503-768-7186
Equity and Inclusion
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219